The Seasons of the Years

It is a story about women – a little girl, a temptress, a mother and a sorcerer. The woman whose strength is in the earth, natural cycles and life energies. The woman who can be gentle and cruel at the same time. Her secret lies hidden in her unpredictability and boundless strength that most often is revealed at an unexpected moment. Her planet is the Moon that rules high and low tides, man’s spiritual life, the growing of the plants and the behaviour of the living creatures.

Perhaps the dance is not even about that. Perhaps it is about those little girls, young girls and women who are around us every day – about our mothers, daughters, sisters and wives; about small miracles that they perform every day. Sometimes it is the most delicious apple pie in the world; sometimes they make a little nice dress for her daughter practically out of nothing. The strength that allows them to take care of their children or parents day and night. The warmth that a woman brings home as a wife. The beauty that makes people turn and look back on the street.

The premiere of “The Seasons of the Year” took place at the National M. K. Čiurlionis Art School’s dance theatre on 21 and 22 December 2012.

Schoolchildren of 3-13 classes took place in the performance with classical and modern choreography.

Antonio Vivaldi’s music sounds in the dance.

Author of the concept, choreographer and director: Lina Puodžiukaitė-Lanauskienė

Costume artist: Rūta Bilūnaitė

Lights: Marius Apanskas

Sound: Raimondas Jaroševičius

Stage and concert practice leader: Giedrė Zaščižinskaitė